Independent Insurance Agent and Risk Manager
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Snow and Ice Removal for Slip Trip and Fall Prevention

Reprinted with permission Philadelphia Insurance Company Each winter cold, inclement weather conditions set the stage for slips, trips, and falls throughout the U.S. In fact, snow or freezing conditions can and do occur in all 50 states, with sleet falling in Florida as recently as 2011. The risk for outdoor slips, trips, and falls has […]

Four Myths of Nonprofits

Four Myths of Nonprofits Cindy Bergvall, CPA Over the years we have found ourselves as auditors and advisers having recurring conversations with clients and Boards about these common nonprofit myths.   A frank discussion with your board can dispel some of these misconceptions. 1.  A profit is bad.  Your nonprofit needs a reserve of funds for […]

A car crash is the leading cause of death for teenagers

Reprinted with permission from 52% of the deaths of teenage passengers happened in cars driven by another teen Real-World Case Study: The Risk of Teen Driving Emily, a 17-year-old, decided to treat her best friend, Taylor, to a movie to celebrate finishing their finals. They were running late and didn’t want to miss the […]

Credit Cards and the Liability Shift

reprinted from Advocates for Independent Businesses – There’s a big change coming for credit card payments. The major credit card companies are rolling out a new kind of credit card, called a “chip” card for short, and officially known as an EMV card. Merchants will need new hardware to read these cards—and there’s a […]

Tips For Protecting Your Jewelry

Published on Chubb ( Tips for Protecting Your Jewelry When it comes to protecting your jewelry from theft or damage, the more information you have at the time of loss, the better you can cover it. That advice comes from Janece White, Worldwide Signature manager for Chubb Personal Insurance. Chubb covers jewelry items up to 150 […]

New Laws for PA Organizations Serving Children

We want to make you aware of several new laws that relate to child protection. Some of the laws impact everyone; others are limited to certain industries or licensures. Some of the issues related to compliance are still being worked out by the respective Pennsylvania authorities. Examples of What’s New: 1. New clearance requirements for […]

Governor Wolf Announces Fee Waivers for Volunteers Seeking Background Checks

Governor Tom Wolf announced today that fees for child abuse clearances and criminal background checks required by the Child Protective Services Law will be waived for volunteers working with children. Additionally, the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) will be reducing the cost of both the child abuse and criminal […]

Discounts! Get your Discounts here!

On an annual basis, we review your insurance policies for protection adequacy and applicable discounts. We make sure the insurance companies apply all of the discounts available to your policies.  However, there are always new discounts introduced, and we don’t always have that data in our files to take advantage of them for you. Below […]

Holiday Fire Safety at Home

Picture your perfect holiday. Perhaps you hear family members laugh while the fireplace crackles in the background. Or you enjoy your favorite holiday meal surrounded by friends and the glow of candlelight in your carefully decorated dining room. With all the holiday buildup, you might not be thinking about fire safety. But you can help […]

Prevent Freeze-ups of Automatic Sprinkler Systems

Every winter, plummeting temperatures bring ice and snow to most regions of the country and present us with a unique set of loss prevention challenges. A common, yet significant winter challenge is how to prevent interior water pipes from freezing. Nearly all commercial buildings have automatic sprinkler systems in place to protect against fire. While […]

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