Property Insurance
Property insurance provides protection against most risks to your home - fire, lightning, wind and other weather damage. Additionally, specialized property coverage like sinkhole collapse, flood and earthquake can be purchased.
How is property insured?
Homes and rental properties can be insured against many perils, commonly referred to as Basic, Broad or Special Form (click here for a comparison of Forms).
Who needs Property Insurance?
Anyone who owns dwellings whether occupied, vacant or rented to others.
Valuable Property
While your Personal Property is covered anywhere in the world, it is subject to certain causes of loss, limits and your deductible. You can specifically insure your valuable property with separate coverage that has agreed values, broadened coverage and NO deductibles.
Who needs Valuable Property Insurance?
If you own high value jewelry, gold, silver, musical instruments, wine or any other collection, this coverage is highly recommended.
Boats/Recreational Vehicles
Do you drive your Boat or Recreational Vehicle down to the local coffee shop and back? Probably not. Then why would you insure it with a policy meant for an everyday automobile? These types of vehicles require special policies.
Who needs Boat/Recreational Vehicle coverage?
Anyone who has any of these "toys" on their dock or in their garage.
Have questions? Please call us at 610-867-6869 or click here to submit the online form and we will be glad to assist you.
Client Testimonials

Thank you so much for your time. You are so great at what you do and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it when people take pride in their work and do it well. Less money and more coverage… doesn’t get much better than that!
-- Jana Morris, Executive Director, Recovery Revolution, Bangor, Pa.

Ron Martin- not just my insurance guy but now a friend! He is sincere and truly cares about you and the success of my business. Checks in periodically just to see how we all are doing. Insurance buying was never so easy. Thanks, Ron.
-- J.& D. Morgan, Monkey's Uncle, Doylestown, Pa