Directors & Officers (D&O) Insurance
Non-Profit directors and officers can be held personally liable for the decisions they make on behalf of the organizations they serve.
Who sues directors and officers?
Claims against directors and officers can arise from many fronts: government agencies, funding sources, employees, financial institutions, customers and competitors. The cost to defend those claims, let alone settle them, can be staggering.
How Does D&O Insurance protect a non-profit?
Directors and Officers liability insurance was designed to cover the personal financial exposure that individual directors and officers face. The non-profit corporation, itself, the employees and volunteers are also generally included.
Employment related practices is also generally included with the directors and officers insurance coverage.
D&O insurance is triggered by claims arising from wrongful acts. Wrongful acts are, simply, errors in decision-making. D&O policies often exclude Bodily Injury, Property Damage and Personal Injury claims as there are other policies that provide this coverage.
Who should have D&O insurance?
Every Non-Profit Organization.
Have questions? Please call us at 610-867-6869 or click here to submit the online form and we will be glad to assist you.
Client Testimonials

Thank you so much for your time. You are so great at what you do and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it when people take pride in their work and do it well. Less money and more coverage… doesn’t get much better than that!
-- Jana Morris, Executive Director, Recovery Revolution, Bangor, Pa.

Ron Martin- not just my insurance guy but now a friend! He is sincere and truly cares about you and the success of my business. Checks in periodically just to see how we all are doing. Insurance buying was never so easy. Thanks, Ron.
-- J.& D. Morgan, Monkey's Uncle, Doylestown, Pa